Page 50 - PET 101 EBOOK
P. 50


                                                                                  MAIN IDEA

            1.   STATED MAIN IDEA

                  It is written directly in the text.

                  Authors sometimes come right out

                  and write the main idea in the

                  passage for a variety of reasons –

                  they don't want you to miss the

                  point, they are new writers and have

                  not figured out the art of subtlety,

                  they like clear, informational


                                                     2. IMPLIED MAIN IDEA

                                                              If the author doesn't directly state the main

                                                              idea of the text, it's up to you to infer what

                                                              the main idea is.

                                                              Finding the implied main idea is easier if

                                                              you think of the passage as a box. Inside

                                                              the box, is a random group of stuff (the

                                                              details of the passage). Pull each item from

                                                              the box and try to figure out what they

                                                              each have in common, kind of like the game

                                                              Tri-Bond. Once you've figured out what the

                                                              common bond is among each of the items,

                                                              you'll be able to summarize the passage in a

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