Page 36 - History of Psychology
P. 36
Unfortunately, according to Rogers, most people don't live according to their
innermost feelings (the organism's appraisal process). Problems arise because of
our childhood need for positivity. Positiveness involves accepting things like love,
warmth, sympathy, and acceptance from people who are relevant in a child's life.
As long as people live their lives according to other people's values and not their
own true feelings, experiences will be edited, and certain experiences that would
conform to the organism's appraisal process will be rejected.
With unconditional positive regard, people are loved and respected for what they
are; therefore, there is no need for certain experiences to be denied or deflected.
Only someone who experiences unconditional positive appreciation can become a
fully functioning person. When conditions of value replace the organism's
appraisal process as a guide to life, the person becomes out of tune. Rogers views
dissonance as a cause of mental disorders, and therefore he believes that the goal
of psychotherapy is to help people overcome their cherished condition and return
to living according to their organism's appraisal process.
Discussion Questions
Why according Maslow are self-actualizing people so rare? List what Maslow
found to be the characteristics of self-actualizing people!
How did Rogers attempt to measure the effectiveness of psychotherapy?
Time : 90 minutes
Methods : Presentation and Discussion
Material :
Assigment : create a concept map of humanistic theory