Page 56 - Revistas Identidad de valparaiso.pptx
P. 56


              The commercial development that the Valparaíso region experienced from the nineteenth century to the first

              decades of the twentieth century, largely thanks to the rise of British companies, is a precursor to the birth of
              the British colony. Without this development, the British community would not have had a greater
              interference in the national territory. The British commercial predominance in the port allowed the creation of

              a series of institutions linked to this colony, which remained in force during the first decades of the 20th
              century, thanks to the large English-speaking population that allowed its maintenance and

              development.Within the British colony of the first half of the twentieth century, two types of residents can be
              distinguished. Meals are another element that allows the members of a certain colony to bring them closer to
              In this way, a great importance can be appreciated within British homes
              their culture of origin.
              for maintaining certain typical foods of Great Britain. A clear example
              of this is the famous English custom of having tea at 5 in the

              afternoon.With regard to the sociability of the colony, you can see a
              series of institutions that were created with the aim of maintaining

              British identity and unity. As discussed above, there were educational,

              religious, sports, charitable, social, media, etc. institutions that were
              quite active during the first half of the twentieth century.Institutions

              had fewer and fewer people, therefore many had to be closed or
              downsized during the second half of the 20th century. According to the

              majority of those interviewed, as the colony was integrated into
              Chilean society, its disintegration took place.Undoubtedly, the British

              identity has evolved over time. This is something that can be seen in
              the life experiences of the interviewees themselves. Although

              everyone is very proud of their British ancestors, today they feel
              Chilean. They have stopped feeling British as they did when they were

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