Page 28 - Risk Reduction Series - Documentation Essentials (Part One)
P. 28

SVMIC Risk Reduction Series: Documentation Essentials

                               » Document regular and “PRN” medications, over-the-

                                counter medications, vitamins, or supplements.

                               » Document start and stop date for each.

                     ☐   Document each prescription given and each renewal,
                        whether in the office or over the phone (preferably on
                        the aforementioned medication flowsheet). Include the

                        medication name, strength, route, frequency, duration of
                        prescription, and identification of the authorizing provider

                        (i.e., MD signature or staff note indicating “per Dr. Smith”).

                     ☐   Discuss risks, side effects, benefits of, and alternatives to
                        prescribed medications with the patient and document this
                        discussion in the record.

                     ☐   When medications are prescribed in a manner contrary
                        to the manufacturer’s recommended use, the patient

                        should be so advised and the rationale for the decision to
                        prescribe should be documented.

                     ☐   Document any educational material given to the patient.
                        Educational material should be provided to the patient

                        if available. Educational handouts are available for the

                        patient’s high-alert medications by visiting the Consumer
                        Med Safety website.


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