Page 25 - Risk Reduction Series - Documentation Essentials (Part One)
P. 25

SVMIC Risk Reduction Series: Documentation Essentials

                   that organizations subject to The Joint Commission follow its
                   list of prohibited abbreviations, acronyms, symbols, and dose
                   designations, which includes the following:

                       Prohibited Abbreviations, Acronyms, Symbols, and Dose

                                         Q.D.     Q.O.D.   Trailing  Lack of

                                          QD      QOD        zero    leading
                      U, u      IU                                               MS      MS04 MgS04
                                          q.d.    q.o.d.     (X.0      zero

                                          qd       qod       mg)     (.X mg)

                   Note 1: A trailing zero may be used only  Note 2: The prohibited list applies to all
                   when required to demonstrate the level  orders, preprinted forms, and medication-
                   of precision of the value being reported,  related      documentation.      Medication-
                   such as for laboratory results, imaging  related  documentation  can  be either
                   studies that report the size of lesions, or  handwritten or electronic.
                   catheter/tube sizes. It may not be used in
                   medication orders or other medication-
                   related documentation.

                   Accurate and Complete

                   Accuracy is best demonstrated by providing not only the
                   objective findings, but also your subjective impressions and

                   conclusions, refraining from biased opinions. The record should
                   contain a complete medical history, x-rays, and other diagnostic

                   tests or reports, and above all else, your differential diagnosis
                   and plan of treatment. If your treatment plan deviates from any

                   local community standard or nationally recognized guidelines,
                   document your rationale for doing so, especially for cases

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