Page 20 - Risk Reduction Series - Documentation Essentials (Part One)
P. 20

SVMIC Risk Reduction Series: Documentation Essentials

                               » Teaching about disease state or treatment

                                recommended, including educational material given

                               » Review or instruction about home-care programs,

                                including any instruction provided to the patient’s

                                family or primary caregiver

                     ☐   Follow-up instructions and all appointments made,
                        including referrals

                     ☐   Each prescription and refill with drug name, dose,
                        frequency, and name and initials of prescribing provider

                               » If staff completes this on behalf of the provider,

                                identify “per provider” with the name of provider
                                giving verbal order

                               » Document the medicine’s purpose on the prescription
                                as well as the medical record

                     ☐   Provider’s name and date of review on all lab, radiology,
                        and consultant reports

                     ☐   All immunizations (or history of immunizations for adults);
                        the documentation should include:

                               » The date the Vaccine Information Sheet (VIS) was

                                given and the publication date of the VIS, which
                                appears on the bottom of the sheet

                               » Written parental or patient consent (or refusal) to

                                vaccinate, after receiving and reviewing a copy of the
                                most current VIS available for that vaccine

                     ☐   All injections, including dosage, site, route, manufacturer,
                        lot number, date, and the name of the person administering

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