Page 19 - Risk Reduction Series - Documentation Essentials (Part One)
P. 19

SVMIC Risk Reduction Series: Documentation Essentials

                       ☐   Allergies or a notation of “No Known Allergies” which are
                          clearly flagged in a conspicuous manner and consistent

                          throughout the record

                       ☐   Current, dated medication flow sheet listing past and
                          present medication regimens (including over-the-counter
                          and “PRN” medications)

                       ☐   Current, dated problem list

                       ☐   Tracking mechanism for preventive health screenings

                       ☐   Chief complaint or purpose for the visit, as expressed by
                          the patient

                       ☐   Objective finding

                       ☐   Diagnosis or medical impression, clearly outlining the
                          differential diagnosis and decision-making process for

                          a treatment plan that is clearly and completely defined,
                          including diagnostic and radiological test results and

                          treatment administered

                       ☐   Treatment results, including complications and sequelae

                       ☐   All instances of non-compliance or contributory action
                          (including missed and canceled appointments)

                       ☐   Referral information and consultant reports

                       ☐   All pertinent discussions with the patient and family

                                 » Notification of test and results

                                 » Informed consent and informed refusal discussions
                                 (including any educational material given and


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