Page 15 - Risk Reduction Series - Documentation Essentials (Part One)
P. 15

SVMIC Risk Reduction Series: Documentation Essentials

                   General Documentation Guidelines

                       ☐   Records should be organized thoughtfully and efficiently
                          so that the medical and office staff can quickly locate
                          information in any given record (i.e. grouping all progress
                          notes together, all lab results together, consults together,


                       ☐   Records should be complete. This does not mean
                          documenting everything. Poorly written, voluminous

                          records may actually increase liability exposure. The key is
                          to be objective and concise.

                       ☐   Notes should be dictated, typed, or legibly written in an
                          organized format (i.e.  SOAP).

                       ☐   Entries should appear in chronological order.

                       ☐   All entries should be timed and dated and include
                          authentication with a minimum of the first initial and last

                       ☐   All boxes and checklists must be completed to show they
                          were reviewed.

                       ☐   Records should be prepared as contemporaneously with
                          treatment as possible in order to avoid confusion and help
                          ensure validity—within 24-48 hours is recommended. The

                          practice should have safeguards in place to ensure office
                          notes are completed prior to submitting charges to the


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