Page 17 - Risk Reduction Series - Documentation Essentials (Part One)
P. 17

SVMIC Risk Reduction Series: Documentation Essentials

                       ☐   A one-screen summary which includes active problems,
                          medications, allergies, and progress notes, as well as an
                          organized view of test results or progress notes, should be


                       ☐   Completed office notes should be electronically signed and
                          locked so they cannot be modified or revised.

                       ☐   Discontinued medications should be easily identified in the
                          EHR and should not “disappear” once discontinued.

                   Unique to Paper Charts

                       ☐   There should be a separate record for each patient.

                       ☐   All papers should be permanently affixed in the record.

                       ☐   Patient identification should be on the front and back of
                          every page containing patient information.

                       ☐   For paper records in which handwritten notations or
                          signatures are found, maintain a signature log or card that
                          identifies the name and title associated with initials used in

                          the medical record.

                       ☐   Legibility is a must! Careful diagnosis and a good
                          treatment plan are useless if the written orders are illegible.
                          Remember that a jury in a medical malpractice action will

                          equate hurried and sloppy documentation with sloppy

                   The Medical Record in the Office Setting Should


                       ☐   Demographic information which includes:

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