Page 20 - Ömer Halis Demir Proje Anadolu İmamhatip Lisesi
P. 20






         Mehmed II was born in Edirne on March
         30, 1432. His father was Murad II, the
         sixth Ottoman Sultan, and his mother
         was Hüma Hatun. His education and
         upbringing was given great importance
         at a young age and he was educated
         by the most prominent scholars of the
         time. When he was 11 years old, he was
         appointed as the sanjakbey of Manisa                   A QUOTE FROM FATHI SULTAN MEHMET
         in order to gain administrative                        'We are going to conquer
         experience.                                            hearts, not lands. War is
                                                                made with everyone,
                                                                peace is made only with
                                                                honorable people.

                                                Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror received an intensive Islamic and scholarly
                                                education  from  his  childhood.  Like  the  six  sultans  before  him,  he
                                                possessed knowledge and technique in military matters. He is described
                                                by many historians as a "Renaissance ruler". Fatih was a rare Eastern ruler
                                                who was familiar with Italian culture. The Greek historian Kritovulos, who
                                                was  at  Mehmed  II's  side,  states  that  he  knew  Arabic,  Persian,  Hebrew,
                                                Chaldean,  Slavonic,  Italian,  Greek  and  Latin,  in  addition  to  his  native
                                                Turkish].  Fatih  had  a  rich  library,  especially  after  the  Conquest  of
                                                Constantinople,  and  owned  thousands  of  volumes  of  books.  The  sultan,
                                                who  was  also  interested  in  ancient  history,  showed  his  interest  in
                                                geographical  sciences  by  translating  Plutarch's  Geographia  from  Greek
                                                into Turkish. In Fatih's palace, there were two scribes who knew Greek and
                                                Italian  and  provided  the  sultan  with  information  about  the  history  of
                                                Antiquity. Fatih, who was interested in mythology as well as history and
                                                geography, had a copy of the famous Iliad Epic of the Greek poet Homer
         FAMILY                                 prepared. Fatih's Italian maid of honor, who was with him, made him read
         His wives are Emine Gülbahar           the  works  of  thinkers  from  Ancient  Greece  and  Roman  historians.Fatih
                                                also read the chronicles of popes, emperors, kings of France,
         Hatun, Gülşah Hatun ,Helena            Alexander  the  Great  and  the  Lombards.  The  Byzantine  historian  Georgios
                                                Frantzis  said  that  the  Conqueror  admired  Alexander  the  Great,  the  Roman
         Hatun,Alexias Hatun,Sitti Mükrîme      emperor  Augustus,  the  Byzantine  emperors  Constantine  the  Great  and
                                                Theodosius. Fatih also showed a keen interest in firearms, and he
         Hatun,Hatun Hatice, Hatun              personally made the drawings of the shahi cannons, which are known to be
         Çiçek,Hatun Anna,Hatun                 the first mortars in history and were used in the conquest of Istanbul. In
                                                Divan literature, he wrote poems under the pen name Avni. Again, the
         His children are Bayezid II,Cem        sultan had philosophical discussions in his presence. From time to time, he
                                                would gather the ulema or Muslim scholars together and ask them to discuss
         Sultan and Şehzade Mustafa.            theological problems in the presence of the sultan.
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