Page 22 - Ömer Halis Demir Proje Anadolu İmamhatip Lisesi
P. 22


        The Ottoman army began its offensive in
        the first hours of May 29. The Ottomans
        carried out the final offensive in three
        waves. For the first two hours, the
        marauders attacked the walls, then
        Anatolian troops took their place. Finally,
        the janissaries stepped in to deliver the
        killing blow. Meanwhile, the wounded
        Giustiniani left the battlefield, causing
        great demoralization among the city's
        defenders. Finally, in the morning, the
        soldiers managed to enter through the
        gate called Kerkoporta and erected the
        Ottoman banner on the bastion above the
        gate. Sultan Mehmed entered the city in
        the afternoon, went to Hagia Sophia,
        prayed and said "min-ba'd (from now on)
        my throne is Istanbul".

                                                        A QUOTE FROM FATHI SULTAN MEHMET

                                                        If they are smart enough to chain the sea out of
                                                        fear, we are crazy enough to sail ships by land


                                                           Mehmed II embarked on a new campaign towards
                                                           Anatolia in 1481. However, he fell ill at the
                                                           beginning of the campaign and died on May 3,
                                                           1481 at his camp in Hünkâr Çayırı near Gebze at
                                                           the age of 49. Although it is believed that he died
                                                           of gout, according to German historian Franz
                                                           Babinger, he was poisoned by the Ottoman
         OTHER CONQUERTS                                   physician Yakup Pasha. Turkish historian Halil

         Conquest of Serbia (1454-1459),                   İnalcık stated that the cause of Fatih's death was
         Conquest of Peloponnese (1458-                    attributed to gout, and that the claims that he
         1460) Conquest of Trabzon (1461),                 died by poisoning were based on the
         Conquest of Wallachia (1462),                     interpretation of an information in Âşıkpaşazâde
         Conquest of                                       and  were  not  confirmed  by  other  historical
         Bosnia (1463-1464)                                sources.  Historian  Ahmet  Şimşirgil  stated  that

         FAVORITE FOOD                                     until  the  last  century,  the  allegation  that
        Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror, known                 Mehmed  II  was  poisoned  was  almost  never  put
        for    his   fondness      for    seafood,         forward  or  discussed,  and  that  this  thesis  was
        consumed products such as oysters,                 first  put  forward  by  German  historian  Franz
        shrimps, dried fish and eels.                      Babinger in his 1953 work "Mehmed der Eroberer
        Especially eel with thyme was often
        included in his tables.                            und seine zeit

                                                                             PREPARED BY Yağı       z Emir ŞAHİN
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