Page 16 - 2021 The Millionaire ProFit Equine Online
P. 16

Hip No.                Consigned by Serfio Elia         Hip No.
                                  9               Gotta Fine Brandy                       9
                                                     February 11, 2020 Bay Filly
                                                                Grays Starlight  {  Peppy San Badger
                                                              {                   Doc’s Starlight
                                                Spooks Gotta Gun                  John Gun
                                              {                 Katie Gun       {  Bueno Katie
                              Gotta Fine Brandy
                              5992024                           Hollywood Dun It  {  Hollywood Jac 86
                                                Dun It Whiz Brandy {              Blossom Berry
                                                2004            Whizout Brand   {  Topsail Whiz
                                                                                  Just Vanna
                              NOTES: 5 Panel Negative per Parentage. Enrolled in NRHA.
                              By SPOOKS GOTTA GUN (AQHA/APHA)  (2002). $81,637 and 19 AQHA
                                  points: APHA World Champion Junior Reining Horse; 3rd NRHA Open
                                  Derby; Reining by the Bay Open Derby Champion; West Coast Spectacu-
                                  lar Reining Open Derby Reserve Champion; 3rd AQHA World Senior
                                  Reining; Open Perf. ROM. Half-brother to COLONELS SMOKING GUN
                                  ($177,386: NRHA Open Futurity Reserve Champion; NRHA Hall of Fame,
                                  APHA Hall of Fame). QData #1 All-Time Leading Sire of Ranch Riding
                                  Money-Earners; AQHA #2 All-Time Leading Sire of Ranch Riding Point-
                                  Earners; 2020 QData Top 10 Sire of Ranch Horse Money-Earners. Sire of
                                  265 money-earners, $2,634,653.
                              1st dam
                              Dun It Whiz Brandy, by Hollywood Dun It. NRHA money-earner: 5th, Cowboy Capital
                                  Classic Reining Novice Horse Open.  Dam of 4 money-earners, including--
                                GUNS N WHIZKEY (g. by Colonels Smoking Gun). $34,858: top 10, NRHA
                                  Intermediate Non-Pro Futurity, finalist in the Non-Pro; 4th, NRHA Limited Non-
                                  Pro Futurity; North Central RHA Intermediate Non-Pro Futurity Champion.
                                A Vintage Brandy (f. by A Sparkling Vintage). $5,948: Mexico RHA Non-Pro
                                  Futurity Reserve Champion.
                                Dun Whiz Sparks (f. by Jacs Electric Spark). $3,739: South FL RHA Debutante
                                  Novice Horse Non-Pro Champion.
                                Dun It Whiz A Gun (c. by Spooks Gotta Gun). NRHA money-earner: 6th, North
                                  Central RHA Futurity Lvl 1 Open.
                              2nd dam
                              Whizout Brand, by Topsail Whiz. Dam of 6 money-earners--
                                Brand Neew Trash (Gunnatrashya). $5,964: top 10, EURO NRHA Lvl 3 Interme-
                                  diate Open Derby; Germany Breeders Reining Lvl 2 Open Derby Champion.
                                Whiz Brand Please (Chic Please). $1,186 & 22.5 reining points: 3rd, Central
                                  Plains RHA Summer Open; Open ROM.
                                Whizout Pistol (c. by Gunnatrashya). NRHA money-earner: 5th, Italian RHA 4-
                                  Year-Old Limited Non-Pro Futurity.
                              3rd dam
                              Just Vanna, by Little Peppy Lynx. Dam of--
                                JUST SHINING (Shining Spark). $13,227 & 31 points: West Coast Top Gun Open
                                  Derby Champion; West Coast Spring Reining Novice Horse Open Champion.
                                JUSTANIC OF CHEX (Bueno Chexinic). $10,278: top 10, NRHA Intermediate
                                  Non-Pro Futurity.
                                Storm Warning Whiz (Topsail Whiz). $9,420 & 27.5 points: top 10, German
                                  Americana Open Reining; Rocky Mtn Summer Slide 3-Year-Old Open Futurity
                                  Reserve Champion; Open ROM.                           svp 10/21
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