Page 20 - 2021 The Millionaire ProFit Equine Online
P. 20
Hip No. Consigned by Booth Ranches Hip No.
13 Embryo 13
Smart Chic Olena { Smart Little Lena
{ Gay Sugar Chic
Magnum Chic Dream Topsail Cody
{ Sailin Barbee { Miss Mistic barbee
Embryo Shining Spark
Friday Night Shiner {
Shiners Gotta Whiz { Tivito Norma
2012 Malibu Whiz { Topsail Whiz
Meerly Chic Olena
NOTES: 5 Panel Negative per Parentage. Due Date 5/6/22, Resulting foal Booth
Ranch Incentive Program Eligible. Foal in utero eligible for NRHA & NRBC.
By MAGNUM CHIC DREAM (1996). $44,294 and 100 AQHA points: AQHA
World Champion Senior Reining Horse; NRHA Int. Open Derby Co-
Reserve Champion; NRHA Limited Open Futurity Reserve Champion
and finalist in the NRHA Open and Int. Open Futurities; 4th, NRHA Open
Top Ten; Southwest NRHA Open Reserve Champion; AQHA Superior
Reining. 2020 NRHA #5 Leading Sire. Sire of 578 earners of $7,779,822.
1st dam
SHINERS GOTTA WHIZ, by Friday Night Shiner. $41,120: finalist, NRHA Open
Futurity and top 20 in the Int. Open; Congress Int. Open Futurity Reserve
Champion & top 10 in the Open; Canadian Pink Ribbon Open Futurity
Reserve Champion. Dam of 5 foals, no performers to date.
2nd dam
Malibu Whiz, by Topsail Whiz. $1,528: top 10, NRHA Derby Limited Non-Pro & top
15 in the Int. Non-Pro. Dam of--
CASHIN MALIBUS CHEX (Too Busy Cashin Chex). $69,728 & 4 points: Carolina
Classic Open Derby Champion; Carolina Classic Derby Co-Champion; Florida
Classic Derby Open Reserve Champion; High Hopes Farm Open Derby
Champion; Carolina Classic Open Derby Reserve Champion.
SHINERS GOTTA WHIZ (Friday Night Shiner). Above.
Bingos Malibu Gal (Itsa Bingo Greyhound). $7,474: NRHA Top 10 Novice Non-
Pro Champion; Matt Sanborn Memorial Limited Open Champion.
3rd dam
Meerly Chic Olena, by Smart Chic Olena. Dam of performers earning $228,422--
ROOSTERS CHICAROO. $60,150: NRCHA Futurity Non-Pro Champion; Santa
Ynez RCH Classic Non-Pro Reserve Champion. Dam of--
HICK CHICAROO. $210,762: 6th, Breeders Invit. Open Derby; El Rancho
Classic Open Champion; PCCHA Open Classic/Challenge Res. Champion.
WHAT A REY. $104,860: NCHA Futurity Limited Non-Pro Champion; top 15,
NCHA Super Stakes Classic Non-Pro; PCCHA Derby Non-Pro Res. Champ.
I LIKE IT THIS REY. $84,456: PCCHA Futurity Non-Pro Champion; PCCHA Fall
3-Year-Old Non-Pro Stakes Reserve Champion.
ROO TO DO. $58,650: NRCHA Western Derby Int. Open Champion & 6th in the
Open; top 10, NSHA RCH Futurity Open & split 4th in the Int. Open.
PEACEMAKER WHIZ. $47,300: top 15, NRBC Derby Non-Pro & top 10 in the Int.
Non-Pro; NRHA Derby 7-Up Non-Pro Co-Reserve Champion.
WHIZ N WEST COAST. $26,205: finalist, NRHA Open Futurity; Carolina Classic
Derby Open Res. Champion; Reining by the Bay Futurity Open Res. Ch. 9/21