Page 19 - 2021 The Millionaire ProFit Equine Online
P. 19
Hip No. Consigned by Sergio Elia Hip No.
12 Electric Crow 12
April 19, 2020 Buckskin Colt
Jacs Electric Spark { Shining Spark
{ Miss Hello Hollywood
Electric Snow Colonels Smoking Gun
{ Snow Gun { Natrasha
Electric Crow
6004707 Gallo Del Cielo { Peppy San Badger
Somethingtocrowabout { Doc’s Starlight
1996 { Sandy step
Miss Dee Step
Scorchy See
NOTES: 5 Panel Negative per Parentage. Enrolled in NRBC, NRHA
By ELECTRIC SNOW (AQHA/APHA) (2011). $100,337: split 5th, NRHA Open
Futurity; 3rd, Congress Open Reining Futurity; split 7th, NRHA Open
Derby; Tulsa Reining Classic Open Derby Champion; finalist, NRBC Open
Derby; top 10, APHA 4/6-Year-Old Open Reining Challenge. His first foals
are 3-year-olds of 2021. Sire of ELECTRICIAN ($2,483: split 4th, 2021 North
American Stakes Lvl 3 Open Futurity), GUNZICLE ($1,548: split 5th, 2021
North American Reining Stakes Lvl 2 Non-Pro Futurity), SNOW CHIC GUN
(NRHA money-earner: 3rd, Quebec AQRA Reining Lvl 4 Open Pre Futu-
rity), DANDEELECTRICCOWBOY (3rd, 2021 East PA Reining Thunder Lvl
4 Non-Pro Futurity).
1st dam
SOMETHINGTOCROWABOUT, by Gallo Del Cielo. $16,918: finalist, NRHA Open
Futurity, Congress Open Reining Futurity. Dam of 10 money-earners--
BRADY CHEX (c. by Buenonic Chex). $53,486 & 34.5 points: 5th, Italian RHA
Open Futurity, 3rd in the Intermediate Open; FEI World Reining Final Restricted
Champion; split 6th, FEI World Open Reining Final; Open ROM.
SPOOKADOODLEDO (f. by Spooks Gotta Whiz). $11,699: split 5th, NRBC
Reining Derby Non-Pro Prelims; finalist, NRBC Non-Pro Reining Derby.
Master Del Cielo (c. by Master Snapper). $7,488: North Central RHA Open
Futurity Co-Champion, Champion in the Intermediate Open.
Miss Cielo Chex (f. by Buenonic Chex). $4,086: Canadian Spring Thaw Non-Pro
reining Champion; split 6th, Congress NRHA Sr Youth.
Babys Got Something (f. by Spooks Gotta Whiz). NRHA money-earner & 13
reining points: AZ RHA Mothers Day Slide Novice Horse Open Co-Reserve
Champion; Open ROM.
2nd dam
Miss Dee Step, by Sandy Step. Dam of 7 money-earners, including--
THE CATAPILLAR (Jae Bar Catalyst). $19,235 & 23.5 points: NRHA Intermedi-
ate Open Derby Reserve Champion; MS RHA Spring Intermediate Non-Pro
Champion; ROM.
Two Are D Two (Are D Sam). $5,985 & 87.5 points: AQHA Reserve World
Champion Sr Working Cow Horse; 3rd, AQHA World Show Sr Reining; Open
& Amateur ROM.
Motown Sound (Surprise Enterprise). $2,264: SEST RHA Open Reserve Cham-
pion; Jac Be Nimble Limited Open Reining Co-Reserve Champion.
3rd dam
Scorchy See, by Sugar Bob Bars. Granddam of--
SUGAR STEP 188 (Zippa Trouble). 172 points: Open & Amateur Sup. Halter.