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T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                   0 4


                                      BY M.-DOMINIQUE CRAPON DE CAPRONA - USA

        Welcome to the 6th Special issue of the                An interview with Els Siebel, done by the
        Sloughi Review.                                        Dutch Oriental Sighthound club (NVOW)
                                                               opens our eyes about Els Siebel’s life with
        In this series we try to focus on articles             Sloughis, how it came about and why she

        that are somehow connected to the past.                loves the breed.
        We also present documentation linking the
        past to the present.                                   Els Siebel is a respected member of the
                                                               Board of Directors of the Dutch Kennel
        We are pleased to introduce here two                   Club, delegate and secretary of the FCI
        distinguished personalities of the Sloughi             sighthound racing committee and
        scene.                                                 international coursing judge.

        Gabriele Schröter takes us down the                    We end this issue with something a bit
        memory lane of her life, how she came                  beyond the ordinary but another aspect of
        about to be an artist and to judge                     how the Sloughi infiltrates the minds of
        sighthounds. Gabriele Schröter is a much-              people, in this case inspiring vehicle
        esteemed FCI group 10 (sighthounds) judge              owners, designers and engineers.

        and artist; she also judges the
        “Mediterraneans” in FCI group 5 (Spitz and             We thank the Sloughi Club of the United
        primitive types). Gabriele Schröter                    Kingdom and the Dutch Oriental
        supports, judges and draws Sloughis often.             Sighthound Club for permission to use two
                                                               contributions in this issue.
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