P. 6

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                   0 6

        But I never forgot to put ‘a dog’ in first place on my list of Christmas wishes even though
        it was never to be fulfilled. A couple of courses in evening classes taught me new
        techniques in drawing, painting, making pottery – no, not plates and cups were the result,
        but figurines of rabbits, cats, horses!

        After finishing school I meant to study arts, but again that didn’t work with my parents, so
        I became a teacher for my favourite subjects English and Latin, spending a year teaching
        German in Scotland, the country I like so much.

        And when I got married, we moved to an
        apartment in Cologne. It was May, and in August
        we had our first dog! Not any ‘dog’ mind you, but a
        cream coloured British bred Afghan Hound! It was
        great, even if the city wasn’t the ideal place for
        him. So we found our way to a local sighthound
        club that had a racing and coursing field. We

        became members of the German Sighthound Club
        ‘’DWZRV’ (Deutscher Windhundzucht- und
        Rennverband), a club that expressively includes
        racing as well as breeding in its name. That was 50
        years ago…

        We soon moved to northern Germany, East Frisia, right on the Dutch border in the west
        and the North Sea in the north, where my husband comes from, and a countryside I love
        – flat, green, many trees, not too many people. This surrounding made it possible to get a
        second dog as company for our ‘Pasha’: a German bred black & tan Afghan bitch.
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