Page 24 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 24
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 2 4
Imani Schuru-esh-schams © G. Popov
Mohamed Yacoub (1), a Tunisian art Septimius Severus (2) (145-211 AD) came
historian, was particularly interested in the from a family in what is now Libya, namely
mosaics of Tunisia and North Africa from from Leptis Magna in the Roman province
Roman times. It is thanks to his work that of Africa. His father, Publius Septimius
we have a scientific evaluation of this Geta, came from a Punic family (Carthage),
subject and the large collection of mosaics his mother from an Italian Roman family
that can be seen today in the Bardo from Tusculum who had moved to North
Museum in Tunis. Africa. As North Africans, they were
therefore closely acquainted with the social
Septimius Severus and his family, Roman customs there, thus also with hunting with
emperors from Africa sighthounds, which could be the ancestors
of today's Sloughis.
As Mohamed Yacoub writes, the mosaics
with the corresponding hunting scenes
were created in a special style during the
reign of Septimius Severus and his
successors, the Severans, named after him,
by observing and depicting real events (3)!
This period of Roman rule begins with
Septimius Severus in the late 2nd century
AD, continues with Caracalla and Geta into
the 3rd century, then to Elagabalus and
ends with Severus Alexander in 235 AD.
Septimius Severus © T. Liedtke