Page 20 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 20
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 2 0
I'Saar at home © de Caprona and straight racing in 2006 © Big Paw Prints
Recipient of the K’Lar award in 2005 From the very beginning I'Saar loved the
furry lure and had been consistently
Born on the fifth day of the new chasing it in large entries of Sloughis, with
millennium I'Saar is a third-generation no Disqualification, no Off Course, no Did
performance Sloughi in the USA and a Not Finish.
complete outcross.
All his points were won in entries of a
His Dam is FCI International, Puerto Rican, minimum of 5, mostly 8 -11 Sloughis. He
Latin American Ch Bouthayna Shi'Rayân, competed several times against Fahel and
FCM, SORC, GRC. She is the second did win a few races against him at the time
highest pointed Sloughi behind her sister (fall 2002).
Balsam and only Foundation Courser of
Merit in ASFA. He was High Score BOB at the Sloughi
Fanciers Association of America’s (SFAA)
Bouthayna was a half-sister to K'Lar award National Specialty LGRA race meet in 2003.
winner 2001-2002 Fahel Shi'Rayân, SORC,
FCC, FCh, SGRC6 sharing the same sire I’Saar was the 4th SGRC, the second
BISS BIS Multi Ch. Aswad Shi'Rayân, ORC, SGRC2, the second SGRC3 and the second
SGRC, FCC, TT who was the first SGRC for SGRC4 for the breed.
the breed.
He was the winner of the Nubia Memorial
His sire is a dog imported directly from Cup 2005 for best performance Sloughi of
the North African Atlas Mountains of the year.
Tunisia: Tarfa, GRC.