Page 15 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 15

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   1  5

                              SLOUGHI LGRA MILESTONES

                                     BY M.-DOMINIQUE CRAPON DE CAPRONA - USA

                                        K'Lar, Silkenswift Intent K'lar FC SORC GRC
                                                    © Saklad/Dalzell

        Following the creation of the Large                   What is the K’Lar Award?

        Gazehound Racing Association (LGRA) by
        Jack William Lewis in 1995, Sloughis                  "The K’Lar award is presented to the dog
        participated in many straight racing                  that accumulates the highest number of
        events across the country and completed               National Race Points each year, in memory
        several Gazehound Racing Champion and                 of Borzoi K'lar, FC Silkenswift Intent K'lar
        Superior Gazehound Racing Champion                    FC SORC GRC.

                                                              Owned by Sam and Sue Banks, K'lar
        To top it all, in 2001, six years after the           tragically died in 1996 on the way home from
        creation of the LGRA, a Sloughi reached               a race meet in Canada.
        the height of becoming the #1 All breeds              She was the first GRC and would have been
        in American straight racing and winning               the first SGRC had she lived, having
        the K’Lar Award. It created quite a stir at           accumulated 27.5 NRC points at the time of

        the time; a very rare breed defeating                 her death."
        popular sighthound breeds! He repeated
        that feat again in 2002, frustrating some of
        the competitors even more. Three years                The first K’Lar award was given in 1997 to
                                                              the Greyhound "Dighty" Dighton Donna
        later, in 2005, his kennel mate did the

        same.                                                 (owner Godfroid).
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