Page 10 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 10
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 1 0
Amal at home 2 days later, it took her 3 days to fully recover
© de Caprona
Amal is a 14 years old Moroccan Sloughia,
she was caught 9 miles/15 km away from
home. She was ok but very thirsty, hungry,
and tired and she collapsed to sleep on
her bed with a big sign: "do not disturb".
During her almost 48-hour stunt, she was
in Coyote territory. Thankfully none saw
She was caught on a relatively warm and
sunny Sunday with temperatures in the
60F range (15.5 Celsius), but 2 days before
a forecast of 17F (-8C), snow showers and
-2F (-18C) at night.
Forever thankful, Eric Hough.
And thank you to all the friends and
strangers online who have given us A predator the 4 Sloughis, especially Amal,
thankfully failed to encounter.
emotional support and excellent advice The Coyote can take down a dog, and eat it,
during this ordeal. particularly a group of them © James Perdue