Page 5 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 5

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                                     BY MONIKA DAHNCKE (ROSHANZAMIR) - GERMANY

                                                     Signpost to the town

        Text first published in “Unsere                       From the period between 1962 and 1968,
        Windhunde”, October 1987.                             when I was in Tunisia several times a year,
                                                              originates an old friendship I had with Hadi

        Photographs & translation from German                 Ben Romdane, the former school director
        by M.-D. Crapon de Caprona 2008 & 2022.               of Mahdija. Mr. Romdane now lives in Tunis
                                                              as a pensioner.
        There is a place in Tunisia situated
        between Teboursouk and Testour, whose                 He knows about my passion for

        name is "Slouguia" - the feminine form of             sighthounds and sent me an excerpt from
        Slougui.                                              the French-language Tunisian newspaper
                                                              "La Presse" from November 15, 1986.
        There have been various speculations as
        to whether this place is related to the               From an almost full-page, large-format
        name of the North African sighthound,                 article with a tip for a weekend trip, he
        written Sloughi in this country.                      fished out a paragraph that contains
                                                              valuable information about the above

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