Page 8 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 8
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 0 8
Pawboost lost pet advertizement on Fabebook
On February 18, 2022, on a beautiful sunny Amal seems to have just vanished. We look
and windy day, four Sloughis escaped everywhere in the woods, the fields, the
from their large enclosure at Shi’Rayân. A roads, and the steep banks of the local
30ft tall tree had fallen during the night river and creek. She is nowhere to be
after strong winds on the 6ft chain-link found.
fence and crashed it. We did not see it
right away because it was all the way to I post her photo and our telephone
the farthest corner of the enclosure. But numbers on 3 Facebook pages. Missing
trust Sloughis, they did! pets of Council Bluffs/ Omaha area, Lost
pets of Omaha area, and Omaha-lost dogs,
At about 2 pm, we realize they are all cats & pets - on Community as well and
gone. We call them, two come back: Ulfah people shared the posts. And I report her
and Warda. We look for the others but missing on Pawbooster Alert and
neither Wahid nor Amal answers our calls. LostMyDoggie.
I leave the gate to the property open in
case they come back on their own. Freezing Friday night goes by, so does cold
Saturday and freezing Saturday night. At
At about 9 pm at night, I am walking from this point I am hoping someone has her.
the house to the log cabin in the dark, and Everyone who knows her across the world
I find Wahid next to the steps, he hears is very worried.
me coming and starts barking but then
stops when I talk to him, and he sees me.
Back after a 7-hour stunt, hungry and
exhausted and smelling of "wild things".