Page 12 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 12
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 1 2
The NOTRA Nationals were held in Celina,
Texas in May of 1995 and the Sloughis made
their first appearance as approved NOTRA
hounds. The two-day event once again
demonstrated the beauty, soundness, and
racing heart of the Sloughi. There were
seven entries each day with "Rif" winning
the 350 meters on May 6, while "Aswad"
came back the next day to win the four
program 300 yard event. Rif took the
Nationals for Sloughi breed with a High
Combined score of 29.5, just hedging
Aswad's 29 points.
I would see the Sloughi again in Colorado in
June and again the excitement of their
racing was terrific. I asked Dominique and Jack William Lewis working the racing
Bernd if they would consider coming to score board, 1995 © de Caprona
Utah to race in August or September,
however when told the format would I reviewed my Rule Book with several
include Whippet Sprints on Saturday and Whippet racing fanciers, chief among them
All Breed ovaling on Sunday, they thought Jean Balint, and all gave me
the expense of great travel for just one day encouragement.
of racing was prohibitive.
In August I informed Dominique and
I had to agree and then wondered to Bernd, that LGRA would have its inaugural
myself, why don't we have Sprint racing for meet on my property, Reata Whippet Park,
breeds other than Whippets?! in Riverton, Utah on September 16.
Determined to have the Sloughis come to And they came! "Amir" would lead 8
Utah, I spent the months of June and July Sloughis to the finish line in the first LGRA
1995 developing the Rules for what would Meet ever held and on the following day,
become the Large Gazehound Racing Aswad would come back to win the Oval,
Association (LGRA). with Amir second.