Page 16 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 16

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   1  6

         Who were the two Sloughis who won the                Fahel Shi’Rayân, born January 1, 1997, by
         K’Lar award?                                         Aswad Shi’Rayân out of Chamisa Schuru-
                                                              esch-Schams. Chamisa was half Moroccan.
         The Sloughis were two males of the

         Shi’Rayân kennel, bred close to country-             I’Saar Shi’Rayân, born January 5, 2000, by
         of-origin Sloughis and owned by Drs. M.-             Tarfa out of Bouthayna Shi’Rayân. Tarfa was
         Dominique Crapon de Caprona and Bernd                Tunisian.
         Fritzsch, USA.

                     Fahel Shi'Rayân © de Caprona and at a LGRA event in Missouri in 2003 © Standerford

                                             FAHEL SHI’RAYÂN

         Awarded the K’Lar award in 2001 and                  Fahel was one of the few Sloughis who took
         2002                                                 to chasing the lure the first time he saw it.
                                                              He was Foundation Coursing Champion in
         Fahel first drew attention to himself at the         ASFA and SFAA Lure Courser of Merit.
         age of 5 1/2 months (in 1997) when he won            He was # 1 Large Rare Breeds
         against a large entry in the Hound Group             (miscellaneous "over 18") in ASFA in 1998
         Puppy at an International All Breeds                 and ASFA Coursing Hound of the Year in

         Canine Association (IABCA) show under                1999.
         two Canadian judges who praised his
         muscle tone and fitness.                             He finished his Field Champion title after
                                                              the recognition of the breed by ASFA,
         He finished his International Champion               effectively achieving titles with the same
         title later with IABCA also.                         requirements twice: the Foundation

                                                              Coursing Champion and the Field
                                                              Champion titles.
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