Page 11 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 11

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                    1  1

                                      THE SLOUGHI STORY:

                            INSPIRATION BEHIND THE LGRA

                                              BY JACK WILLIAM LEWIS - USA

                                     Jack Lewis with the 2 first SGRC Sloughis, A'Ssissa
                                         and Aswad Shi'Rayân, 2000 © de Caprona

        It was on a trek to Colorado from Utah,              As the current (1992-1997) National Race
        with my Whippets to participate in a                 Director of the NOTRA, I granted
        National Oval Track Racing Association               Dominique and Bernd "Provisional" status
        meet weekend that I first became                     to run their hounds, kept a record of their
        acquainted with the Sloughi.                         feats, and then submitted the question of
                                                             the approval of the Sloughi as a recognized
        After the meet completed on August 20,               breed to the NOTRA Clubs at the end of the

        1994, Dominique de Caprona and Bernd                 year on NOTRA's annual ballot.
        Fritzsch arrived from Omaha with their
        Sloughi, five of them! After the meet                The Sloughi did not disappoint in their first
        awards ceremony we spent the afternoon               Oval Meet (August 21) and "Chamisa" took
        training the fast-adapting Sloughi to                the victory. All the owners were very

        ovaling. Linda and Tim Sanders then                  impressed with the performance of the
        brought all the travelers to their beautiful         Sloughi that day. Their feat made the lead
        home for a great evening and a super                 story of the September 1994 issue of The
        pasta dinner. No better hospitality                  Whippet Wrunner, a monthly newsletter
        anywhere as the Sanders' put us all up for           that published sighthound racing results!
        the evening.                                         The year-end NOTRA Ballot process
                                                             approved the Sloughi for full recognition
        The next day the Oval Meet had as                    with NOTRA.*

        participants, Whippets, Pharaohs,
        Afghans, a Saluki; and five Sloughis!
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