Page 9 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 9
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 0 9
Crashed fence. The tree has been cut on both sides of it now, and 2 temporary panels
added to block the escape route. The tree was pushing the fence down to the
ground, so all the Sloughis needed to do was jump/climb over it © de Caprona
On Sunday morning we drive downtown He shows us where at quite a distance a
to run some errands and, on our way back, pale hound is running around in a field. He
as we were getting close to home, Bernd drives Bernd down the road to the field,
gets a call on his cell phone. It is almost opens the gate, then drives further across
noon. the field to the light-colored hound.
"I think I have your greyhound, a whitish I am observing from the road. I see Amal -
greyhound. I live in Underwood, she does not want to be caught. Eric corals
Mahogany Road, what is her name? she her slowly with his 4-wheeler towards
does not come to me." Bernd several times. She finally sits down,
and Bernd picks her up and carries her in
Bernd turns back and drives towards the 4-wheeler. I see the 4-wheeler driving
Mahogany Road, gets the man's address back slowly up the field to the road, stop to
and with GPS we find the place. close the gate, and then back up the road
to Eric’s driveway and our car. It is Amal!!
A young farmer, Eric Hough, is waiting for Almost 48 hours later.
us with his kids in his 4-wheeler.
What a relief! I thank Eric profusely and tell
He tells us, "I saw the post on Facebook him we owe him. He says, "you don’t owe
yesterday. My wife says this morning: me anything." I say, "there is a reward
look, a coyote in the field. I said no, that’s attached to finding this dog." He says "no,
a greyhound…" next time another dog escapes maybe you
can help find him."