Page 4 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 4

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                  0  4


                                      BY M.-DOMINIQUE CRAPON DE CAPRONA - USA

           It is my pleasure to introduce the 9th                Finally, Thomas Liedtke takes us on a
           issue of the Sloughi Review which                     journey through antique Roman mosaics,

           focuses again on history, ancient and                 the potential relationships of the hounds
           recent and in the last contribution on                chasing game on such mosaics with
           antique history, hunting, genetics and                antique and current sighthound breeds
           breeding as well.                                     and hunting practices.
                                                                 He shows us the genetic differences
           Dr. Monika Dahncke (Roshanzamir) tells                revealed by the MARS DNA tests and
           us first of the tale behind the town of               other studies between Galgo español,
           "Sloughia" in Tunisia.                                Sloughi, Saluki and Azawakh.

                                                                 He explains the breeding framework of
           An elderly Moroccan Sloughia’s scary                  another Sighthound breed in Africa and
           adventure in the wild American Midwest                how it could serve as a template to
           follows.                                              improve Sloughi breeding.
                                                                 Thomas Liedtke also raises the question

           Jack William Lewis then reminds us of the             as to whether the current selection of
           role Sloughis played in the USA in the                Sloughis in shows truly represents the
           creation of the popular sighthound sport              breed as it is found in North Africa.
           of non-commercial straight racing when
           he founded the Large Gazehound Racing
           Association in 1995. The statistics of that           As always, many thanks to all who
           sport are updated at the end of his text.             contributed, and I hope readers

                                                                 appreciate the writers’ and publishers’
           A walk down memory lane takes us to the               efforts in bringing to you such interesting
           outstanding achievements in American                  material.
           straight racing of two very special
           Sloughis bred and born in the USA;
           achievements that created quite a stir,

           and to some extent anger, in the
           sighthound sport community at the time.
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