Page 6 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 6

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                  0  6

                                                Signpost to the post office

        The paragraph reads as follows:                       According to this Tunisian tradition, the

                                                              place that was formed by the gradual
        "Sloughuia: The saint and his dog                     accumulation of houses around the
                                                              sanctuary of Sidi Ali Ben Othman got its
        Having traveled far from Morocco, Sidi Ali            name after his bitch, so that the

        Ben Othman had only one companion: a                  speculation that the dogs got their name
        bitch of the breed Sloughui. She had                  from this place came to an end there.
        faithfully followed him to the fork in the
        road from Teboursouk.                                 Nevertheless, this assumption cannot be
                                                              ruled out, because such traditions are

        When the old man discovered the white                 mostly explanations for place names that
        village clinging to the mountainside, he              were invented rather late.
        relied on the animal's instincts to choose

        the site for his house.                               Editor's note: Zaher Kammoun in Slouguia
                                                              et sa mosquee tells us more:

        And where the "Slouguia" stopped, he chose
        his abode, which became the sacred                    "The city of Slouguia founded in 1609, is
        Marabout protector of the area." (Note                located in the northwest of Tunisia not far
        Marabout or Marabut refers to an Islamic              from the city of Testour. This city was

        saint as well as his burial place).                   founded on a Roman city named Chidibbia
                                                              which was a peregrine city until the
                                                              beginning of the reign of Septimius Severus.

                                                              Then it was promoted to the rank of
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