Page 7 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 7

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                  0  7

        In the archives of Tunisia Today, there is a
        another lore about this town under "Funny
        name for a city":

        The locality of "Slouguia" is located 7 km
        from the town of Testour (governorate of
        Béja). Overlooking Oued Medjerda, it is an
        agricultural town famous for its

        pomegranate plantations. Historically, the
        city of "Slouguia" welcomed the Muslims of
        Spain (the “Andalus") who, during their              Antique wood engraving of the river Medjerba at Slouguia

        return, stopped at the edge of the river of        Drawn by A. Slom, engraved by A. Kohl, in the public domain.
        Oued Medjerda and founded this locality.
        The name according to the inhabitants of
        "Sloughia" is precisely linked to the

        departure of the Andalus. It turns out that
        they abandoned on the spot a dog of the
        "Slougui" breed which was used for
        hunting. Found a little later, this dog

        inspired the new inhabitants who gave his
        name to this village and since Slouguia
        bears the name of this dog abandoned by
        the Andalu owners."
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