Page 12 - Sloughi Review - Issue 1
P. 12

THE SLOUGHI REVIEW                                                 12

 © Michael Atkinson                            © Michael Atkinson


                    THE GOOD CITIZEN AWARD

                           BY MICHAEL ATKINSON - UK

Over the years we have always taken our        However as the training was done along
young dogs to training classes and have        with the ringcraft and for no extra charge
used several different classes.  However if    we decided, rather than sit and do nothing
the dog was to be shown, then we always        whilst this was taking place, that we would
used the Trentbridge Ringcraft Club, which     join in.
is the longest established ringcraft club in
Nottingham. This club was strictly             We were given the necessary handouts
dedicated to ringcraft training, so when we    which explained the aim of the scheme,
decided to go along with George in             including eligibility, the standard required
September 2014, we were surprised to find      and the Test. Most important of all, it
that for the modest charge of £2.50 per        included a description of the 10 exercises
week, they now included within the             that it were necessary to achieve to gain
training, preparation for the Kennel           the Bronze Award. Since it had been about
Club Good Citizen Dog Training Scheme.         5 years since Jak had obtained his Silver
                                               Award, we had forgotten how difficult we
We hadn’t intended doing Good Citizen          thought it would be with a Sloughi to go all
work with George, even though we had got       the way to Gold Award standard. These
to the  Silver award with our other            thoughts were reinforced when we
Sloughi "Jak" before he was taken ill and      observed the dogs that were currently
could no longer carry on with his training.    preparing for Gold and how well behaved
                                               they were. So our training started in
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