Page 14 - Sloughi Review - Issue 1
P. 14
The 2 exercises we thought would require We arrived at the venue in good time and
a little more determination were the one everyone was very eager to prove that
minute stay and the return to handler. A their dog had worked really hard and was
lot more practise was going to be required ready for whatever award they were
at home as we were struggling to get entered for, e.g. bronze, silver or gold.
George even to go into a down. Sloughis Before the examiner arrived, Sylvia
are not best known for lying on bare floors decided to do a check list to ensure we had
and George is no exception, so to try and all come prepared, such as collar and lead,
encourage him to go into a down we had to identification, treats (if allowed) doggy
use his bed. We practised this at home bags, beds and means of grooming. Shock
most days, building up the time that he and horror set in! We had forgotten to
would stay down, using lots of praise and bring a brush to show that George was
rewards as encouragement. However there happy to be groomed without a struggle.
were no guarantees that on a training Fortunately we were able to borrow a
night in the hall with all the other dogs grooming glove from a friend, so panic
around that George wouldn’t decide to go over. The examiner arrived, was
for a little wander. We had similar introduced to everyone and testing started
problems with George and the 'return to at 7.30 prompt.
handler' exercise. After playing with
George off lead, he was supposed to return The majority of the dogs present were
to his handler. Again George decided that actually entered for the bronze award and
some of the other dogs were more we were the first group to be assessed. The
interesting than Barrie or I and would go examiner decided to do whichever
and do his own thing. exercises he could as a group. There
seemed to be a deathly hush over the
We had only been going a couple of weeks room; even the dogs were quiet. He
when imagine to our surprise Sylvia checked all the dogs for suitable collars
announced that the date of the test was set and lead and identification and then
for 12th November. We were a little proceeded with the other exercises, walk
sceptical that George would be anywhere on a lead, controlled walk amongst people
near ready by then but Sylvia assured us and dogs, grooming and the down
that he was progressing nicely and stay. This was the exercise that was going
everything would be fine on the night. Lots to catch anyone if anything, as several of
more practise was needed and we had the dogs did move but the owners
times when we appeared to be in reverse managed to get them back in position and
rather than going forward but before we they did all achieve the one minute stay.
knew where we were, the night was upon
us and we could do no more than hope for
the best.