Page 15 - Sloughi Review - Issue 1
P. 15

THE SLOUGHI REVIEW                            15

He then moved on to testing the dogs          Second week in January and we are back to
individually for the controlled door entry    ringcraft class and training for George’s
and the return to handler. The latter was     silver award. Some of these exercises are
the most entertaining as several of the       an extension of what we have done before,
dogs wanted to continue playing when          with extra depth and there are some new
they were called back but after some          tests such as rejoin handler, road
gentle persuasion they all returned to their  walking, vehicle control, food
owners so no one was shamed. This was         manners and controlled greetings. The
followed by a number of questions from        down stay was now extended to two
the examiner to prove that you knew and       minutes and as we had practised with
understood your responsibilities as a dog     George we were confident he could do the
owner.                                        time at home but you never know when
                                              there are other distractions. The rejoin
The examiner then moved on to the dogs        handler exercise required George to be left
that were present for their silver and gold   off lead and the handler to move at least 10
tests. Whilst it was interesting to sit and   paces and recall him when instructed.  He
observe the other dogs being put through      was usually good at this even if a little slow
their paces it was a little nerve wracking    in his movement (despite reputedly being
not knowing whether one had been              the fastest dog in the class).
successful or not. It wasn’t until all the
tests had been completed that the results     The object of the vehicle control exercise
were announced and the certificates           is to demonstrate that the dog can be
presented. Thankfully all the dogs present    taken to and put in the car in a controlled
were successful and all the owners            manner and once in the car should remain
breathed a sigh of relief. However there      calm and relaxed and then get out of the
was no let up as the next week we were all    car in a similar manner. As George has
given details of the next stage of training,  never liked the car and will never actually
in George’s case his silver award. This       get in voluntarily, we thought we were
meant more intense training as we now         onto a loser straight away. However, we
had another set of ten exercises to achieve.  were told it didn’t matter if the dog had to
At first glance they seemed quite straight    be helped into the car so long as they
forward but on further examination we         remained calm. I must admit once George
realised that one or two may be a problem     is in the car we never know he is there and
not only for George, but also some of the     have never had a problem with him
other dogs in the class. After a couple of    travelling.
weeks we had a short break for the
Christmas and New Year and then the real
work had to begin.
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