Page 46 - Sloughi Review - Issue 1
P. 46

THE SLOUGHI REVIEW                                                                              46

Fahel was NOTRA National Champion in         Fahel was # 1 All breeds in LGRA and K'Lar
2000, he is the third SGRC and the third     Award winner in 2001 and 2002.  As of the
SORC for the breed Sloughi. He is the first  last listing in 2016, Fahel is currently # 7 in
SGRC 2 for the breed Sloughi, the 2nd        the lifetime achievement of all breeds
Sighthound SGRC3 and the first               competing in LGRA. Fahel has been
Sighthound SGRC4 in LGRA. These 4 SGRC       awarded the Nubia Memorial Cup 5 times -
titles were finished in 2001 and 2002. He    in 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002 and 2003, taking a
became the first Sighthound SGRC5 in the     break in 2000 after dislocating a toe on ice
history of LGRA in December of 2003 and      at home.
the first SGRC6 in December of 2004, a few
days before his 8th birthday. He competed    Beyond his many achievements, Fahel was
mostly in entries of 8 or 11 Sloughis, and   a wonderful Sloughi to live with, full of
his record was winning 4 entries of 15       energy and mischief and fun, too
Sloughis.                                    intelligent for his own good.


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