Page 48 - Sloughi Review - Issue 1
P. 48

THE SLOUGHI REVIEW                                                                                     48

   First photo of Sloughis coursing in the USA, Bouthayna with Dounia Shi’Rayan, 1996 © Shot on Site.

                    BOUTHAYNA SHI’RAYAN

FCI International, IABCA International,       Bouthayna is the only Sloughia SORC so
IABCA Veteran, Puerto Rican, Latin            far. She was NOTRA National Champion in
American, ARBA Ch. Bouthayna Shi’Rayan,       2001, tied with Syringa Happiness at
FCM, SORC, GRC.  Nubia Memorial Cup           Shi’Rayan.
2000.  Born October 9 1994, by Multi Ch.
BIS Aswad Shi’Rayan SGRC, ORC, FCC, TT        A day I will never forget. The first time
out of Estrella de Moreau, Bouthayna          Sloughis were ever entered at an ASFA lure
followed in the footsteps of her father, her  coursing event, I walked to the start line
mother having never had any interest in       with Bouthayna.  She stood very still until
chasing the lure. In addition to her beauty   the Tally Ho was given, then shot forward
Championship titles, Bouthayna won            chasing the lure at full speed. Several
multiple group wins and best brace with       people came afterwards saying "still as she
brother Batal Shi’Rayan.                      stood, we thought she would never run"-
                                              only I could feel the extreme tension and
Bouthayna is so far the only FCM in ASFA      slight vibrations in the leash.
lure coursing and is inducted in the ASFA
Hall of Fame. A Trophy in her name,           Intense in all she did, including her
donated by the owners, is awarded to the      occasional displays of affection, a
Sloughi who wins BOB at the ASFA              wonderful mother, she graced our lives in
International Invitational. She has been #1   many ways.
Sloughi in NOTRA since 2002 when at the
age of 8 years she overtook Amir

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