Page 51 - Sloughi Review - Issue 1
P. 51

THE SLOUGHI REVIEW                                                                      51

© de Caprona 2014                            Playing with Warda Shi’Rayan © de Caprona

                    NAJEEBA SHI’RAYAN

IABCA International Ch. Najeeba Shi’Rayan,   A lovely elegant representative of her
SGRC2.  Nubia Memorial Cup 2006              breed, she was also very loving and sweet,
# 10 All breeds in Sprint Racing 2006.       and was a soothing reminder of the
Born July 12, 2002 by Ch. Fahel Shi’Rayan,   previous wonderful Sloughis in her
FCC, FCh, SORC, SGRC6 out of Ch.Syringa      pedigree, who preceded her over the
Happiness at Shi’Rayan, ORC, SGRC.           rainbow bridge.  Najeeba was also a master
Najeeba was one of the fastest Sloughias at
Shi’Rayân, a third generation of American
racing Sloughis.  She finished her IABCA
International Champion title in June and
her SGRC in October of 2006 against tough
competition.  She ended up being # 1
Sloughi in LGRA and # 1 Sloughi in NOTRA
for 2006.

Najeeba shared her life with other Sloughis  Racing with Bahlawaan Sheik el Arab © Big Paw prints 2006
in a log home on 42 acres of private Nature
preservation land, where she could race
and chase others as she pleased.  
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