Page 56 - Sloughi Review - Issue 1
P. 56

THE SLOUGHI REVIEW                                                            56

          © de Caprona                       Playing with a toy © de Caprona


Bensekrane’s Saff at Shi’Rayan, GRC.         Saff is the sire of V’Nawal Shi’Rayan, Nubia
Nubia Memorial Cup 2015.  Born April 28      Cup winner 2014. Nicknamed the "speed
2010 in Tlemcen, Algeria, bred by Nabil      demon" by one of the lure operators at
Medjoub, Saff traveled all the way from      SSARA events, Saff is a typical Sloughi,
Algeria with Joseph Mangelsdorf to join      wary of strangers, affectionate, eager to
Shi’Rayan on September 2 of 2010, after a    please, loyal and gentle to his people.
long 6 years wait to get a Sloughi from

He is the first Sloughi imported from the

Algerian Sloughi stronghold to the Western

World since the 1980s. He has passed on

his genes to Shi’Rayan Sloughis in the USA,

and Europe at Ksar Ghilane, with already

some top racers and coursers and

promising show dogs in his grandkids in

Germany.                                     Playing with compatriot Bensekrane’s Rsassa © de Caprona
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