Page 57 - Sloughi Review - Issue 1
P. 57

THE SLOUGHI REVIEW                                                                          57

© de Caprona                                    Ulfah 2016 © de Caprona

                    ULFAH SHI’RAYAN

Ulfah Shi’Rayan, SGRC.  Nubia Memorial Very affectionate and obedient (not a given

Cup 2016.  Born March 29, 2011 by Ch.           with Sloughis) she is very much treasured.

Rabah Shi’Rayan, GRC out of Suhaymah

Shi’Rayan, SGRC, Ulfah is a lovely sweet

Sloughia, very quick, agile and fleet of foot.

She is #1 Sloughi in LGRA 2016. Although        Cuddling with Warda Shi’Rayan © de Caprona
she is very competitive, there are fewer
Sloughis running today so that she does
not have the possibility of accumulating a
lot of points like her ancestors did.

She descends from the best Sloughis in the
USA, both in show and sighthound sport
venues, multiple Best in Shows, and 6
ancestors having been awarded the Nubia
Memorial Cup (Aswad, A’Ssissa, Bouthayna,
Fahel, Najeeba and O’Dah Shi’Rayan), and
one having been awarded LGRA’s K’Lar
Award twice (Fahel Shi’Rayan). 
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