Page 60 - Sloughi Review - Issue 1
P. 60

THE SLOUGHI REVIEW                                                                   60

Explanation of clubs and titles used in text

LGRA: Large Gazehound Racing Association for straight racing
NOTRA: National Oval Track Racing association
ASFA: American Sighthound Field Association for lure coursing
SSARA: Shi’Rayan Sloughis Amateur Racing Association (member club of LGRA)

ARBA: American Rare Breed Association
FCI: Fédération Cynologique Internationale
IABCA: International All Breeds Canine Association
UKC: United Kennel Club
SKC: States Kennel Club

LGRA sprint racing
GRC: Gazehound Racing Champion (12 GRC points)
SGRC: Superior Gazehound Racing Champion (30 national points), SGRC2 (60 national
points), SGRC3 (90 National Points) SGRC4 (120 national points) SGRC5 (150 national
points), SGRC6 (180 national points)
K’Lar Award: #1 all breeds in straight racing in a given year.

NOTRA Oval Racing
ORC: Oval Racing Champion (12 ORC points)
SORC: Supreme Oval Racing Champion (30 national points)

ASFA lure coursing
FCC: Foundation Coursing Champion before recognition by ASFA
FCM: Foundation Courser of Merit before recognition by ASFA
FCh: Field champion after official recognition of the Sloughi by ASFA.
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