Page 18 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 3 - Final Copy
P. 18

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   1  8

                                 Right: O’Dah with his sister Omayma, Summer of 2004 © de Caprona

                                         O’DAH SHI’RAYAN

                                              AN EXCEPTIONAL LIFE
                                               BY DR. BERND FRITZSCH, USA

        With our first litter in the United States,           His mother is Ibtsama Haifa Shi’Rayan,

        we had three outstanding Sloughis, Amir,              Bouthayna Shi’Rayan’s daughter with
        Aswad and Assissa Shi’Rayan. Although                 Tunisian Tarfa. Bouthayna was Aswad’s
        Amir and A’Ssissa were each outstanding in            daughter. Ibtsama was the pick of the litter
        their own way, Aswad and I became the                 and it is only by accident that she ended
        team to beat in the show and all kinds of             up back with us.  I had to fly out to
        racing events. To define his greatness,               California to pick her up after the owner

        Aswad was shown for one last time as a                was unable to keep her anymore.
        veteran at age of 10 years and 3 months, in           Thankfully she was safe at Alan Segal’s
        2003, and won 3 Best Veteran In Show and              place, but the return trip turned into an
        Reserve Best Rare Breed In Show. I was                awful odyssey at the San Francisco
        convinced that this record would remain               International airport.  At any rate, the
        forever.  But little did I know about the             story of O’Dah started out after we decided
        future of his descendants, one of which               that Ibtsama, back home at Shi’Rayan,

        turned out to be just like him:  O’dah                should be bred to a recently acquired male,
        Shi’Rayan.                                            Bi-Na Mahanajim. Ibtsama was red sand
                                                              and Bi-Na was black mantle. The O litter
        O’Dah was born as Aswad’s great grandson              turned out to be black mantle, red sand
        on June 1, 2004.                                      and sand. This litter gave Shi’Rayan its first
                                                              black mantle puppies, as Ibtsama showed

                                                              she was carrier for the color.
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