P. 14

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                    1 4

        A tribute to the breeders of Mahanajim               It is not difficult to come to the conclusion
                                                             that their breeding has made an impression
        Year after year Mahanajim Sloughis have              of lure coursing qualities on the gene pool.
        competed in the European Championships
        and took place on the podiums. Not only              Another remarkable fact is that 3 out of
        have they been successful and traveled far           those successful Mahanajim Sloughis
        and often, they have been many, with                 turned seven years this spring! An

        engaged and active owners too.                       honorable result of a well-planned and well
                                                             selected breeding program with a mix of
        In this year’s Championships no less than 7          Libyan, Algerian, Tunisian, Moroccan and
        out of 24 dogs were Mahanajim’s. 5 of them           old European lines.
        stood on the podium and a 6th who is sired

        by a Mahanajim, the European Coursing                And not to forget all the dedication to
        Winner from 2014, did the same.                      keeping the Sloughis strong and fit and to
                                                             hit the roads for next faraway
        When knowing the pedigrees, one realizes             competitions.
        that Awwalan Mahanajim is an ancestor to
        others of those 24 Sloughis.

                           Ibnash Inaam Mahanajim and Del Khazaris Karel ag Dalvit who ran
                           with Ibnash both times. As the owner of Del Khazaris Karel ag Dalvit
                           commented in the morning: “as long as he doesn't have to run
                           towards Ibnasch!”

         Quiz – the correct answers
         1. 3 litters 2. 1996 3. 17 4. 29 5. The Sighthound club does not have its own tracks or operations, so it is
         complicated and expensive to get a competition license 6. Azawakh, Chart Polski, Galgo Espanol, Italian
         Greyhound, Magyar Agar, Podenco Canario, Podenco Ibicenco and Sloughi 7. 1,37% 8. 2400-3800SEK ~
         €201-320 *Currency of September 2023  9. If you regularly use a cage to keep it safe or saving your home
         from destruction.
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