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T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                    0 5

                      THE WORLD COURSING CHAMPIONSHIPS 2023

                                     A MILESTONE FOR SLOUGHIS

                                               BY ULLIS SUNDELL - SWEDEN

                           Just some of the Sloughis that visited Norra Åsum in Sweden and this event.

        When the FCI World Coursing                            The biggest wish from us though, was for
        Championships were planned to take place               all our guests, to get a positive memory

        in Sweden in 2023 the idea came up that                from their meeting with Sloughi fanciers
        this was an outstanding chance to arrange              from afar. Even though we didn’t have
        something for the Sloughi fanciers.                    much time to arrange and set everything in
                                                               place before it started, we think we did
        Sweden is a long country that covers 1,572             quite well. We enjoyed it very much and
        km distance as the crows flies from south              were happy to see you all!

        to north. The Swedish Sloughi owner who
        traveled the longest way to Kristianstad
        drove 1045 km.  With a total number of less
        than 50 Sloughis spread all over the
        country it is very seldom that we are
        gathered so we were quite excited when
        the brainstorming for this event began.

        There were thoughts about a drive-in show
        but we decided for a relaxed little get
        together and refreshments.

        We also wanted to tell the history and the
        present of Sloughis in Sweden, so a quiz

        was put together for this purpose. None of
        us arranging the Sloughi meeting competed
        with our present Sloughis but of course we
        wanted to join this special occasion.
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