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T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                    0 8

        Two photographers also sponsored us by                3. Since the 1990s, interest in the breed has slowly
        being engaged for us, Dan G. W. Hansson               increased here in Sweden and the number of active
        who documented some moments from the                  breeders has since then been around 3 at a time.
                                                              How many Sloughi litters have been born in
        gathering and Sanna Sander, awarded                   Sweden since the 1990s?
        International Pet Photographer of the year            1) 13 X) 15 2) 17
        2023 by Unleashed Pet Photography
        Education! She offered us free individual             4. There are about 47 living Sloughis in Sweden,

        sessions and the opportunity to order the             born between 2010-2022. Approximately, in how
                                                              many Swedish households does 1 or more Sloughis
        photos via her site                  live?
        Just scroll down and view her photos of               1) 19 X) 24 2) 29
        Sloughis in the album “World Coursing
        Championships…”                                       5. Lure coursing has been popular among Sloughi
                                                              owners in Sweden, even though the opportunities
                                                              for training and licenses are few due to distances
        To give some of the Swedish Sloughi                   and occasions. However, track racing is unusual and
        history a present situation for breeders in           Swedish Sloughis with a racing license probably do
        our country a quiz was made. It opened for            not even exist. Why?
        some discussions and was appreciated by               1) There are no race tracks in Sweden.
        many. Some have asked for the questions               X) The Sighthound club does not have its own tracks
                                                              or operations, so it is complicated and expensive to
        afterwards so here they are. Correct                  get a competition license.
        answers are at the end of this article.               2) The rules state that only Greyhound and Whippet
                                                              are allowed to compete on Swedish tracks, owned

        1. In the late 1960s, the Sloughi was introduced in   by the Swedish Dog Racing Federation, SHCF.
        Sweden with 2 imports from Algeria, a male that was
        not used in breeding and the female Richa Talata.     6. Between 2000 and 2012 there was the unofficial
        However, she and one of her offspring had puppies.    breed club for Azawakh and Sloughi, since then
        The breeder is said to have later sold their dogs to  resting. According to Swedish Kennel Club you can
        the United Kingdom and these lines died out. How      only have one associated breed club. In 2010, a club
        many litters were born in Sweden 1969-1974?           associated to Swedish Kennel Club was formed. It is
        1) 1 litter X) 3 litters 2) 4 litters                 a joint breed club for rare breeds under the Swedish
                                                              Sighthound club. GRAINS is the official name and an
                                                              abbreviation of the club's description. “Gemensam
        2. The Sloughi disappeared from Sweden but was
        reintroduced when Ingela Näslund, Tillieville,        rasklubb för numerärt små raser inom SvVK.” What
        imported a bitch from Norway, Arhib's Asiir Bintu     other breeds is GRAINS responsible for?
        Hadjib who had a litter that also became the basis of  1) Azawakh, Chart Polski, Cirneco del Etna, Galgo
        the Tillieville Sloughis. With this litter, the breed  Espanol, Magyar Agar, Podenco Canario, Podenco
        took hold in Sweden and also became the start of      Ibicenco, Podengo Portugese and Sloughi.
        Ghazoot and Alsuwiid breeding. When was said          X) Azawakh, Chart Polski, Galgo Espanol, Italian
        litter born?                                          Greyhound, Magyar Agar, Podenco Canario,
        1) 1993 X) 1996 2) 1999                               Podenco Ibicenco and Sloughi.
                                                              2) Azawakh, Chart Polski, Cirneco del Etna, Magyar
                                                              Agar, Pharaoh Hound, Podenco Canario, Podenco
                                                              Ibicenco and Sloughi.
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