P. 158
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 1 5 8
The place of honour in my gratitude at this point goes to my Sloughia Amaya, who
recently left this world and will now always walk behind me. Without her, I would not
have embarked on a quest to understand the facts surrounding Sloughis and the
historical, genetic, cultural, canine and other issues surrounding what a Sloughi actually
is and how to make them happy. But that, dear reader, is what is essential in this world.
First and foremost, I would like to thank Gisela Meyer Franck, whose expertise and
experience made her a dear companion and critical reader of these many texts. She left
this world a short time ago, after having supported me attentively and wisely during my
last time with Amaya.
I would like to thank Professor Dr. Kai Brodersen again for his uncomplicated and
attentive manner, through which he provided me with valuable guidance in the
understanding and use of texts and terms in antiquity. His translations of the texts of
Xenophon and Arrian into German are indispensable if one wants to deal with this
subject. Furthermore, he gave me valuable advice regarding the root word of
“domestication”, this modern term which gives the impression that it has existed for a
long time. The very good translation into the English language you can find with A.A.
Phillips & M.M. Willcock, thank you both.
Professor Kai Brodersen has also introduced me to the author of the translation of the
Pseudo-Oppian, Stephan Renker, who has made this ancient text comprehensibly
accessible in the same quality as Kai Brodersen's Arrian. For until recently, the author of
the ancient text was unclear and had been thrown together with the well-known Oppian.
However, since the pseudo-Oppian cannot be named so far, but must be a separate
author, this work is particularly important for us.
The photos from Algeria were taken by Joseph B. Mangelsdorf, who lived and worked
there and who, with his great treasure of photographic documents, can bear witness to
the working dog and companion Sloughi.
Gerhard Hanß, who has taken part in various A.B.I.S. expeditions, has described his
impressions to me and made the excellent photos of his journeys available. Many thanks
for this!
Fredy Hügel has been to Central Africa and South Africa more than 25 times and also
participated in hunts with the Pygmies. He also provides photos from his private
collection. Claudia Lüniger has also provided a photo, many thanks!