P. 154

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                   1 5 4

        The Sloughi as an original dog that not only guards the family and hunts with them,
        nevertheless also shows characteristics that we know from modern breeds that we
        consider “bred out”. For example, the Sloughi shows “pointing”, that is, he indicates when
        he perceives the game. As we have seen above with Gerhard Dreher, he has an excellent
        nose, which is able to serve as an example of his performance to our modern breeds.

                                   Kaddour Sabiih al Sahra, Khalina Schuru-esch-Shams
                                              Kabiro Mahanajim © C. Lüniger

        Sloughis are our eyes and our ears in the field. When we learn to observe them, we get to
        know the terrain, the nature that surrounds us. In a sense, the Sloughi accompanies us
        back to where we belong, into nature. Into the understanding of nature. Not to exploit it,
        but to live with it.

        The hunting dog Sloughi is treated with respect. As Daumas tell us: “He grows up in the

        family, as a puppy he gets the women's milk if necessary. The Slougui gets its share of the
        couscous. When a Slougui dies, the whole tent mourns him, women and children weep for
        him as if he were a member of the family.” He is a full member of the family. As such, he
        does not tolerate bad treatment such as command tone, pressure or punishment.
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