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Lisa Yeomans, Louise Martin, Tobias Richter also describe existing funnel-shaped gates
in large numbers in northwestern Jordan [28]. Hunting with dogs and nets is mentioned
as a possible form of hunting and even observed as a common form of hunting as late as
the 20th century among the Rwala Bedouins (A. Musil). Near Shubayqa, where Yeomans
made excavations, rock art of the stone mound of Hani was found (Harding, 1954: 358, Fig.
3). This probably shows a gazelle being herded by dogs into a funnel-shaped gate. Until
recently, such gates were still used; Musil notes in 1928 how in 1909 the narrow opening
was blocked with stones once the gazelle was inside, and sighthounds or Salukis attacked
the prey.
In rock art, both dogs and humans are depicted near kites in several
places, such as at the Cairn of Hani in Jordan (Harding, 1954), where
staff-like figures show dogs helping to herd game into the funnel of a
desert kite. in “Desert Kites”, A. Holzer et al.