Page 13 - Funeral brochure12.cdr
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For anyone who may not know me, my name is crea ng genera onal blessings.
Boatemaa, and I am Afua's second daughter. Thank
you all for coming to help us say goodbye to our Mom and I had a complicated rela onship, par ally
mother. because I moved out in my senior year in high school
when I was about 17 years old, got married at 22 to a
I know this statement sounds cliché but my mom was a military man (Mr. Fred Anane – Kwame), which moved
“beacon of hope” for our family, support for her family me away from the family for 20 plus years. But one
and an encouragement to her friends and everyone thing I know for a fact is how much mom loved my
around her. As the writer Mitch Albom wrote “behind husband and kids (Joshua and Isabell) even from afar.
all your stories is always your mother's story. Because To her, my husband Kwame was a Saint. She would send
hers is where yours begins”. For me, she was the great packages of African food for Kwame because of lack of
example of what a good wife should be. Her life with African stores in the community we were sta oned.
Dad set an example of the uncondi onal love required She also made sure to a end events for the kids for
for marriage and that's what I try for strive in my own every milestone of their lives, like birthdays and
marriage. I remember when my Dads' business wasn't gradua ons no ma er where we were sta oned. She
flourishing when we lived here in Ghana, Mom made sure Dad a ended as well. She might not have
contributed to support the family with her said it out loud but we all knew Joshua was her favorite
Hairdressing Profession. She would have me assist in g r a n d s o n , s o r r y I s a b e l … .“ h e ' s m y fi r s t
the salon with her clients which I 'hated' at that me, grandchild… will say……he made me a
because as a 15-year-old young girl all I wanted, was to grandmom” and when Joshua turned 21 she was so
go out with my friends. But those skills taught me how excited and full of pride that day…..they took so many
to be independent at a younger age as well as in my pictures together….. she and Joshua will talk on the
adult life. I have now taught my own daughter, who is phone and in person for hours. They had a beau ful
way skillful and talented than I was at her age and is bond. But all her grandchildren were her life. I
now in the process of opening her own salon in remember the first- me mom sent Isabell's first