Page 15 - Funeral brochure12.cdr
P. 15
y mom was extremely caring, selfless, and compassionate. She was also very
empathetic to people facing adversity, a quality she gifted my brother and I. She
Mwished she could take on the burden of her husband, children and grandchildren if
we were in any distress. She cared greatly for her family and friends. It was so important to
her that everyone around here was nurtured, happy and got along.
One thing she didn't have patience for was procrastination. This trait was one of the best
qualities she possessed in the family. “I will do it later” was her kryptonite , a quality she
gifted my sister Debbie with. She was an incredible mother and a lover of God's word. Her
love and relationship with God is what has kept this family together. She was rich in the Lord
and that's where she always went to in order to provide support to anybody in need.
I remember on numerous occasions she mentioned to me the number of people she was
praying for to get married, pregnant and for healing. Her love of God is a quality we all
shared with her, but she had a special connection with Grace on that.
Each of her children embodies various aspects of her character. We know that she is
resting in her sleep waiting for us all till the day of resurrection as promised by the Lord. My
biggest joy is that my mom was able to experience me getting married and having a child of
my own. It was something she prayed for each and every day. Mom, know that we love you
very much and know that you inspire us each day even in the smallest of ways. We are
saddened because we were not ready to lose you, but we are honored to have you as our
We love you Maa.