Page 10 - JW Funeral Book.cdr
P. 10

sometimes to a fault as none of us could keep up pace with him including my
                                                              late mum, Mama Bea. In 1993 when there was drought and extreme Bush
                                                              fires in Ghana which resulted in food shortages. We had plenty to eat as this
                    Tribute to Daddy Willie
                                                              man I had the privilege of calling my Dad, farmed amongst swamps and
        By Mama Ruth                                          rocks to feed his family and friends. To others they saw a waste patch of
                                                              land but to him it was an opportunity to make good use of an empty space.
                                                              That was the kind of man he was. His ability to adapt to change and survive
                                                              challenges in his life was at a different level which taught us to be resilient
         addy Willie as we affectionately called him was the dad who provided   and depend on God at all times.
         for his children as best as he possibly could with what he had. A very
    Dcontent man he was who aspired to do better always.      As a child of the Presbyterian Manse discipline, hardwork and seeing the
                                                              good in everyone was his trade mark. He was a giver and his neighbours are
    We  were  privileged  to  travel  with  him.  As  he  worked  in  different   going to miss his free carrots, lettuces and other fresh veggies from his
    departments over the country at different times. He taught us so many   garden.  His  church  life  was  a  big  part  of  his  life.  He  served  in  various
    things as growing children which used to annoy us at the time but as we grew   capacities  and  he  brought  his  professional  skills  to  benefit  the  church
    older we understood what he was trying to teach us. He will take us in his   wherever he fellow shipped and was allowed to do so. If you lived in his house
    Jeep all over the Upper Region either to visit friends or just to watch the   you will go to church and he will teach you to understand why you should.
    Elephants in the wild or the Paga crocs. Very long and dusty journeys at the   One of the numerous questions he will ask of anyone coming to stay or work
    time.                                                     with him is "where do you worship" being considerate of the fact that not
                                                              everyone is a Christian.
    Down south he would pack snacks and wake us up early in the morning to go
    for long walks and back to either Nurses Quarters or Atekyem in Koforidua   When he was unable to attend church in his old age and due to Covid , you
    where we lived at different times of our lives. And you were not given any   would  have  to  have  a  very  good  reason  to  stay  at  home  on  a  Sunday
    prior  notice  by  the  way.  Now  we  understand  he  was  teaching  us  the   Morning.  Daddy  was  stubborn  in  a  good  way  as  he  never  gave  up  on
    discipline of exercises at no cost, enjoying the nature around you and a   anything he set his mind to do. He was a knowledgeable man and will have
    healthy lifestyle. We are where we are as adults because together with our   conversations with you about anything and everything. He will engage the
    late Mum they made us understand that we are one team as a family.   youngest grandchildren to their understanding and equally engage those in
    Daddy also taught us you can have fun but you need to achieve your set   university telling them to work hard or they will be kicked out of their courses.
    goals.                                                    It is standing joke amongst the family and friends that if you do not have
                                                              time don't visit Daddy Willie.
    As young adults we will go out with our friends but he didn't care whether
    you slept at 10pm or 1am he will wake you up at 4am or 5am to pray, have   God was and has been good to Daddy even in his old age he remembered
    morning devotion and to study for at least an hour before your actual day   everything, everyone and no matter how long it was that he saw you he will
    started and it was earlier if we were preparing for exams. Something that   mention your name as you walked up to the house. I watched him handle
    has helped us through further education and our adult working lives.  pain on the loss of close family including his late wife Mama Bea and recently
                                                              his son Charles and that taught us a lot as well to be dependent on God and
                                                              appreciate anyone God brings your way.
    Daddy  was  an  extremely  hardworking  man  who  loved  nature  and
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