Page 21 - ITUK Press Cuttings March & April 2017
P. 21

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To meet the challenge of its changing                                     front side loading door access, Carrier Supra       gone into service with Charles Saunders Food
                                                                          MT refrigeration systems and rear under slung       Service operating throughout the south-west of
distribution patterns, whilst also increasing                                                                                 England and the final two lsuzus are scheduled
                                                                          Dhollandia tail lifts. The lsuzus also feature      to go into service in May. All ten lsuzus have
journey time productivity, South West                                     automatic cab lighting and a number of road         been supplied by local Isuzu Truck dealer AK
                                                                                                                              Commercials Ltd and are supported by a flexible
company Gharles Saunders Food Service                                     -safety features including an eight side angle      seven year R&M contract with lsuzu Truck.

Ltd reeently made the switch from 7.5                                     camera surround system with audible beep for        "We have been dealing with AK Commercials
tonne to 11 tonne delivery vehicles, with                                 an enhanced awareness of cyclists and a lane        on and off for over 20 years and they are ideally
the addition of ten new lsuzu Forward 11                                  detection system to increase driver safety on       located close to us and give us superb seruice at
tonne rigids into its 35 strong refrigerated                                                                                  alltimes," said Colin Bardsley.
transport fleet.                                                                                                              Colin adds, "We have been extremely pleased
                                                                          "The new lsuzu lI tonne rigids                      with the decision to go down the Isuzu path
Bristol-based Charles Saunders Food Service                                                                                   for these new vehicles. Apart from the perfect
                                                                          have a payload of over 4.2                          balance of payload and power, the slim design
already operates two lsuzu 7.Stonne N 75.190                              tonnes, which is ideal far aur                      of the lsuzu 1 1 tonne cab is particularly useful as
rigids in its fleet and following a detailed truck                        multi-drop business as it allows                    we operate in rural environments where vehicle
evaluation exercise al 11l1Ztonne once again                              us to deal with hoth large and                      access can be quite restrictive. The comfort
chose the lsuzu marque for this latest fleet                              small customers using the same                      0f the lsuzus cab is really appreciated by our
                                                                          delivery vehicle"                                   drivers as too is the efficient performance of the
expansion programme.                                                                                                          Euro Vl engine."
                                                                          After deciding that 11 tonne G\Aff trucks were
Explaining the switch to a higher GWwith lsuzu,                           the right solution for their delivery requirements  Charles Saunders Food Service Ltd employs 126
Colin Bardsley, operations manager at Charles                             and, after trialling vehicles from all the major
                                                                          truck manufacturers, Charles Saunders Food          people, operating from two depots in Bristol,
Saunders Food Service Ltd said, "We have seen                             Service clearly felt that lsuzu stood out as the    with customers throughout south-west, Dorset
                                                                          optimum choice for this fleet expansion.
a year-on-year increase in our customer base                                                                                  and South Wales. The company is a member of
                                                                          "The new lsuzu 1 1 tonne rigids have a payload of   Fainruay Food Service, a buying group made up of
and an evolving product range. The move up in                             over 4.Ztonnes, which is ideal for our multi-drop   1 8 independent wholesalers.
weight allows us t0 carry more goods on each                              business as it allows us to deal with both large
vehicle and also offer 0ur customers a truly'one                          and small customers using the same delivery         The full range of lsuzu trucks can be
stop shop'service. With the new lsuzus, we can                            vehicle," said Colin Bardsley.                      viewed on the company's website
supply customers with a selection of frozen,                              Eight of the new lsuzu 1 1 tonne rigids have now
chilled and ambient products all delivered on

one vehicle, whereas previously we had to use
multiple vehicles for the delivery of food and
non{ood products."

The lsuzu Fonruard F110.210 4 x2 rlgids are all
identical specification, featuring the Easyshift
automatic transmission and fitted with Solomon
multi-compartment refrigerated bodies with

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