Page 23 - ITUK Press Cuttings March & April 2017
P. 23

riltd{.iilFi.ndd$aIfE                                                                                                             Logan, Register

TH TR*I|fF$ffi

                                                       Forward                                            Jom me $CIf /RTE, SE$ loday .

.:hifles S;rnifrs Fe*il $er!,ic* h;t1                                                                     're&ro&&.&€,
nx$i11ff0d !1? f lf ei !i-,1?h :lie ;,:d!iicr il i *
Iturr.l Foryr;rcl 1l -iair?ia tlijt*3 piti *i l                                                           .              ::-;tt'  t
rtr.1t8!r iC ft.1",E ti$ tleei ft*fl:.S"t..:rlii*f5 i*                                                       ..1:- '.1.::           "'
                                                                                                             Bdfrtg thsct,tE
Tte Bist$based ogefatorB rE!r, a$$ilims are
c{ lsuzu Foftlrard F110"210 4 tfi rigus *{ttt
E*yshm autofl?atict an$[issbn - anil, $ays tlte
operatad the!, *ter t*e "psrfeci bahnce ol
palfsa{, arld pasBl..

?tffi UIIcks aIE ffie{I wt('l So}Qrnoo mufii-silrpartftBfit aeBigerate$ Ufflieiflfrh tro{t s*!e ba{rlng
dffirf,cce*$" ffsfliry Supra MT ret$aralilm rystemsafil rear m0erstfiig Of${ffidb tailllfis"
Ttte tr*cks aho have autsmathGb lufrtfrg. ari etlht sfrre-angle camera $ystem lefih aildil$B beep
tor an snnafitrd awarerHss of ry$st$ aild a hl}e dftedim sySern"

The 35*$trong fleei afieady inclwk$ tl|fr lsilzu ?"s-lanBers aruL alter a mu*i{Rerque evahlalbn,

ttB opefatorcfio* lstl3$torttE lingBr p#ad uenlk*.

-TtE rEy, ls{rzu ll-tonne {Sll3 luye s payhad of over 4"2 toilrEs" sitrhh is kkal for our $ultt-

drsF hr$ifte$sas &a$m$ u$to*alsffl hth largean{ $ilafl$rslffners usXrg lie same (k6{4ry
thi[ie," says colifi krdsrey, operal*m m6nag*f.

tle a$s: '$r[I trc mw l*utus" il,er3n $&ppfy custormr$ $rilt a teh€t&n otfrozsl. rr]lll€d end

ambleflt prodffih aS de$t ered Bn ofte tlehi$e. $drereffi pr€frrtxrsly rcfie had ta use rnuilFlr venic&s
fer ths $elhsefy cff6od End ilsn*tooil $frsdscl3-"

Ttr* sliilr cab deE8n h 6ho $${fu|, *ays Bsfrt$*y, fof oehrsrles i[ ffr&l afeas.

Ebht o{ tlts lo-*rolE ofisr sfe alrsady in sp*faffi'H ttH trr*l t$,!B nlfi be tklluered !n May. Ar 6fe

sr$p$ed by deaBrAKcomr$erciabwfift a sewlFyearftE&l fsnrd.

Laura tufk

&E{ tflufailhr

l$uzu Trucr{ turq Ltd
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